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The characteristics of the belt line
双击自动滚屏 发布者:华美新技术   发布时间:2010/11/11 阅读:407次 【字体:

Suzhou storming, automation equipment co., LTD. Specializes in selling all kinds of assembly line, the company with rich experience and advanced computer aided design (CAD) to meet the demand of the customers, design a reasonable and economic system solutions. Belt production line is one of them. Now belt production line has been widely used in various industries, this article will mainly introduce the characteristics of the belt production line.

1, belt line may transport the materials of various kinds, can transport all kinds of powder, also can transport all kinds of cartons, bags and single weight is lighter products, also can be used in the large supermarket goods delivery, you used widely.
2, the structure form is diversiform, have trough type belt machine, flat belt machine, climbing belt machine, roll belt machine, turn


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