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Engineering machinery industry: after half an year can still see the sunny days
双击自动滚屏 发布者:华美新技术   发布时间:2010/10/29 阅读:242次 【字体:

Investment point:
Construction machinery industry performance continuous more than the market expected growth short-term or will continue to maintain. Macro monetary policy loose or not directly influence the industry operating income changes. Engineering machinery enterprise sales income change lag behind the M1 change 3 to 6 months.
Report the:
"1025" planning catalytic plate start, short-term performance grab an eye. Over the past decade engineering machinery field more than 20% growth, "1025" countries will continue to promote the development of construction machinery industry, the promotion of the core parts of hydraulic localization rate and strive to create an international competitiveness of the industry leading enterprises, estimated in the future 5 years industry average growth will remain at around 20%.
Pre-performance become support rising power. Have been issued from the third ?


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