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Japan October machine in order than rose by 16.6%
双击自动滚屏 发布者:华美新技术   发布时间:2010/10/23 阅读:223次 【字体:

Japan's machine tool industry association announced, Japan October machine order correction than rise 16.6%, among which the domestic machine tool order correction year rose 8.6%, overseas machine order correction year rose 24.5%.
According to the report, the Japanese Machine Tool industry Association (Japan Machine Tool Builders Association) 15 figures show that Japanese October Machine order correction than rose 16.6% to 135.9 billion yen for continuous rising 10 months.

Japan October machine order for initial value is increased by 16.1%.

Japan in September machine order than rose 16.3%, August for years than rose by 12.6%.

The data also show that Japanese October domestic machine order correction than rose 8.6% to 63 billion yen, the overseas machine order correction than rose 24.5% to 72.9 billion yen.



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