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The biggest wind power generator in chongqing referrals will be installed in Inner Mongolia
双击自动滚屏 发布者:华美新技术   发布时间:2010/10/23 阅读:232次 【字体:

Domestic first table with independent intellectual property rights of the 2000 mw wind power generation unit yesterday referrals factory, marks China's shipbuilding heavy industry group and the resultant make $ten billion new wind power equipment industry made staggered results.

The typhoon unit, by the Chinese heavy industries (chongqing) sea wind power equipment installed with German ai roddy companies design, independent development. It has independent intellectual property rights, domestic single biggest power; Domestic first table after Germany wind power research institute test, through the German classification society the authentication of the high power fan.

Fan tower drum is cone type, as high as 80 meters, the biggest diameter 6 meters, them will be installed a lift. According to introducing, it according to our climate characteristics and engineering conditions and design. At present, China's wind power installed ?


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