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Euro international industrial automation and control technology exhibition focusing sensor and auto industry
双击自动滚屏 发布者:华美新技术   发布时间:2010/10/23 阅读:250次 【字体:

By the China automation in Shanghai every year to the international industrial automation and control technology exhibition
(IAC, TME + SENSOR 2008) next year will be held on June 4-6, in Shanghai everbright convention and exhibition centre.
In the past during the exhibition, the annual "sensor summit" on the sensors of the latest technology and application discussions. From next activities began, the organizer will according to the sensor in the application of a certain industry more depth. IAC, TME + SENSOR during 2008 - will hold "2008 international SENSOR technology and auto industry summit". The meeting on the sensor in automobiles production line on the use and motor sensor as the main issue in-depth discussion, around the most advanced wireless sensor technology, automobiles sensor and new materials


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